If you are facing financial hardship and feeling overwhelmed by mounting debt, you are not alone. You are part of a growing epidemic. Statistics show that the average family is in debt to the tune of $8,000, not including secured debt such as car loans and mortgages, with as many as 16 credit cards. In fact, 40% of U.S. families spend more than they earn and 70% are living paycheck to paycheck with nothing left over for emergencies. Many of these families are only able to make the minimum payments each month on their credit cards and paying more than $1,000 a year in interest alone! This makes debt a true epidemic. But before you despair or resign yourself to either filing bankruptcy or paying on that debt for the next 30 years, you need to keep reading.
There is a solution available that you most likely CAN take advantage of to save you from bankruptcy and get you out of debt in a fraction of the time for even less than the total debt you owe. Sound too good to be true? Normally I would say, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is.” But in this case, it really is true!!
Hundreds of people have already used this solution and are now debt free, saving money and building wealth instead of drowning in debt. Keep reading to learn what this solution is, how it works, and where you can go to find out if you qualify. But because this site is all about providing consumers with the true facts, there is also information about the other options available so you can make an informed decision.
Visit True Debt Relief Information for more info.