Pop culture blogs are a dime a dozen. What then, makes Tim’s “Old School” blog a cut above the rest of the pop culture bloggers?
Is it his incisive yet laid-back style? The banter? The kick-butt layout of his blog?
Well, his site has just two posts as yet, so it’s still a wait-and-see for this new blog. But I think Tim’s blog has promise, based on his own self-description of it:
You, my friend, have stumbled upon my new blog. This blog is kind of a work in progress, but I am sure it will develop into something pretty special if you give it a chance. Please come back and check us out as we evolve and please leave feedback. I welcome and encourage feedback and intend to address feedback on a regular basis in my postings.
A quick overview or mission statement, if you will… In this blog you will read the random thoughts, views and opinions of one person in regards to many things pop culture and sports related. I feel that my thoughts, views and opinions in these matters hold some value and I hope you will soon find the same thing to be true. I am sure not all postings will be as provocative to each reader each time, but if you start to find value in some of them then I am sure it will start a trend.
I love movies and music, but I feel both are struggling to create at the level they have in the past. Don’t get me wrong, there are some true gems to be found in current movies and music. We will explore what I feel are the truly great examples from both then and now (with an Old School flare, of course). I do not believe in ranking such things specifically from 1-100 because how can you compare Wizard of Oz to Star Wars? I do believe in sorting such movies and songs into “top 10”, “top 50”, “top 100” and groupings like that. This will be fun for both you and me. I look forward to your feedback as we create these groupings of greatness.