If you could use some workplace help, this guy has the goods for you. With tips ranging from serious issues and dilemmas, such as seeing a workplace buddy with confidential files on his desk, to dealing with workplace depression, “The Work Doctor” will help you cope with your own workplace battles.
Learn from Gilbert Acton as he dispenses advice for the employee who needs them.
Excerpts from Gilbert Acton’s Conversations About Work:
I was at a colleague’s house the other day and walked by his desk to get to another room. I couldn’t help but notice that he had some highly confidential material on his desk that should never have left the office. I don’t think he should have had access to it, much less brought it home. I think I should tell our manager but I might lose a good friend. What should I do?
Dear SD:
Before you jump the gun and put your friendship in jeopardy, think this through. You believe it was wrong that your friend had this material on his desk, but is this a legal issue, company policy, or your own personal moral and ethical belief system? Each of these requires a different response. If it is a legal issue, in that your colleague was legally bound not to be in possession of the material on his desk, it may require police involvement. If it is company policy, you may need to get your boss involved. If it is only your personal ethics that are affected, only you need to take any action.