Staircase Dimwit, a blog by Kim Loraine Bundalo Castillo, is a witty personal blog with rants and raves that range from being a “triple minority”: being a lesbian/vegetarian/atheist, to politics, and basically anything and everything that Kim is passionate about. Miss Castillo has a lot on her mind, and she doesn’t hesitate to say it.
One thing that really captured this writer’s attention was her “open letter to Barack Obama.” The witty prose, the passion, the raw vulnerability in her work simply shows the magnitude of Miss Castillo’s potentials as a writer.
Her open letter to Barack Obama is featured after the jump.
Dear Mr. Obama,
First of all I caution you of future assassination attempts, in case you become President. I mean, you have the aura Americans reminiscently see in characters like Lincoln and Kennedy. Major changers equal major summary executions. I’m sure you’re likewise aware that you’re the right guy for the job because you sound and look deadly serious about what kind of change you want. Talking about the change thing, I mean that’s the last thing the Republicans want but the first thing your country needs. And by the way, don’t worry about them republicans; America is gearing to vote for the next Democrat.
I know how you guys are so tired of that mumbling idiot of a President you have. He’s not for keeps and it’s time to boot the frat boy. We need someone a bit more self-effacing like you, Mr. Obama. At least you laugh at Clinton (The H) when she makes scathing remarks about your Xerox change. Shame on her. And shame on Bill for cheating on her, but I digress.
Moreover, I think your presidency will be very relevant to me as a Filipino because I do plan to come over to the US. Now, I wouldn’t get my visa renewed (again) if your consulates at the embassy see me as an illegal immigrant hopeful…or worse, a terrorist. If you become president, please don’t be so hard on the illegal immigrants. My mom used to be one of them and she’d call home in tears just because she thinks your country is such a great place to make money but can be such a bad ass sometimes. She took care of your elderly when she could be taking care of her kids. Never mind that your system threatens productive individuals like my mom with deportation. But in case you’re not President and by some twisted work of fate, McCain is and one of his cohorts are reading this: MY MOM IS NOW A LEGAL WORKER IN YOUR COUNTRY. She paid her way for that systematically. And you don’t even send her a note of appreciation.
Please make America as self-effacing as you when you become President? The third worlders are just sick of it.
I wish I could vote for you but I can’t. So Good luck.