Ank.. Spon… What?
Indeed! That was what popped into my mind the first time I encountered the term “Ankylosing spondylitis “. If you are thinking the same thing, this is actually a medical condition that affects the joints between the spinal bones and the joints between the spine and the pelvis. A person with this condition suffers from great pain because of the inflammation of the joints, and in bad cases, the joints may even fuse together.
Not a pretty thought, is it? Now, imagine having to live with the condition.
This is what Joyce Lameire is going through. She was first diagnosed with the condition in 1992 and has been dealing with it since then. She started her blog, Ank.. Spon… What?, with the intention of sharing her story to the rest of the world. If you are suffering from the same condition, you will definitely gain insight, strength, and inspiration from the blog. And even if you do not have Ankylosing spondylitis, those who do will appreciate your support!